Well, fellow toad fans, things have come up and at the moment I am really unable to give this page the time it needs. Married life is a lot more hectic than single life, let me tell you! Anyway, I am looking for someone who is willing to take over this page and keep it up as it deserves....updated at least once a week, and get some improvements made to it. As you can tell, it is a geocities based page, but I just got another 6 mgb of space, so there is plenty of room to remodel. So, if you are interested in taking over this duty, please fill out the application form below. I will be accepting applications until Friday, October 17th, 9:00pm EST.
Of course there will be certain guidelines that I will want the new webmaster to follow, (don't worry, it's not some kind of communist regime *smile*), and I will let the lucky winner (if anyone even APPLIES)know about these via email, and if he/she agrees, then the site will be theirs. If not, I will move down the list until I find someone who DOES agree. I know, I know, I'm making this site out to be way more important than it is. But it IS important to me because it's my first site and I am very proud of it.
And by the way, I'll be sure to delete all that crap about me before I hand the site over to the new webmaster... feel free to add your own. *smile*